A Robotics Research|

Ph.D. Student at Caltech and NSF Graduate Research Fellow.


I am a Ph.D. student at the Graduate Aerospace Laboratories of the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT), advised by Professor Soon-Jo Chung. I am broadly interested in multi-agent robotics applied to aerospace systems. Currently, my research focuses on developing a decentralized, scalable estimation algorithms for formation flying spacecraft. I am a fellow of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program and he is also affiliated with the Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST) and the Keck Institute of Space Studies (KISS). I graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Guidance and Control Analysis Engineer prior to coming to Caltech.

In spare time, I enjoy playing ping pong, training for triathlon, and cooking.


My Passions

Robotics Research

I use mathematical tools such as nonlinear controls, graph theory, and probability to design and analyze autonomous algorithms for aerospace systems. My previous work includes precise spacecraft formation flying in planetary orbits and distributed estimation of large-scale multi-agent systems.

Space Exploration

My life-long passion for space technology and exploration is deeply rooted in rather simple questions: How did the cosmos begin? Are we alone in the universe? I enjoy every opportunity to discuss with others about the wonders of this universe and the exciting technological progress that we are making to answer some of the fundamental questions.


As a graduate student in STEM, I appreciate the opportunities to tutor local high school students and mentor undergraduate researchers. As a Japanese-American immigrant, I also coach Japanese-American students on strategies for a successful study abroad.

Research Questions

Outreach Activities

Here are some outreach and leadership activities that I am involved in.
